Friday, August 15, 2008

Going to California with a thirsting in my heart

Tomorrow morning, I'm flying to California to join Caroline, who has been staging there at two top vegetarian restaurants - Millennium and Greens - for the past month.

We'll be in San Fran for the first night, then driving to Harbin Hot Springs, a beautiful, peaceful, but sadly alcohol-free retreat where we'll spend a week lying in the sun - when we aren't getting massages or Watsu treatments. Life is good. It's also free of Internet, so it may be a few days before I post again.

We'll drive through the Napa Valley on the way to Harbin. I hope to make a stop or two at wineries, and will duly report in.

The week after Harbin, we'll head to Mendocino, then Sonoma for a few days of wine tasting. I've arranged a number of appointments for private winery tours, and I'll post the results here.

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