Thursday, July 24, 2008

Prince Edward County - Day 1

Canada's newest wine appellation is on a pennisula (I think it's a peninsula - Grade 7 geography was a LONG time ago.) stretching across the Bay of Quinte just west, and a bit south, of Kingston to Trenton. A mere two hours from my home in Ottawa (Google Maps says three, but what does it know?), Caroline and I drove down on a cloudy, cool day.Prince Edward County, or The County as it's known locally, is renowned for its abundant farm land, picturesque villages full of pottery studios, bookstores and antique shops, and the beautiful warm water playground afforded by the Bay.
Oh, and there's some wine here, too.
An even dozen wineries, in fact, taking advantage of the protective waters of the Bay and the limestone and clay soil - reputed to be a close match to Bordeaux's famed terroir.

When researching our trip, I had difficulty finding a comprehensive, non-advertorial guide to The County's wineries or, in fact, their wines. Over the next dozen entries, I hope to offer a starter's guide to the wines of Prince Edward County, from the perspective of my own limited palette. Perhaps, if others do the same, future visitors will have some idea of what to expect, and where to expect it.


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